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Supply for Compact-S CPU, X2X Link and internal I/O power supply (X20PS9602)

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Артикул: X20PS9602
Производитель: B&R Industrial Automation GmbH

  • Supply for Compact-S CPU, X2X Link and internal I/O power supply

  • Low-cost supply module for small X20 system

  • No electrical isolation of supply and CPU / X2X Link power supply

  • Expansion or redundancy of CPU / X2X Link supply not possible by operating multiple supply modules simultaneously

  • RS232 configurable as an online interface

  • CAN bus

The power supply module is used together with an X20 Compact-S CPU. It has a feed for the Compact-S CPU, X2X Link and the internal I/O power supply.

This module is intended as an inexpensive power supply module for small X20 systems. Potential groups are able to be formed. An expansion or redundancy of the X2X Link with the X20PS3300 or X20PS3310 supply module is not possible. Expansion of the X20 system with a bus transmitter is not permitted either.